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Tình Say

Crazy in Love

60 min

Đang phát: 16

Tập mới nhất: 161514

Quốc gia: Phim Hàn Quốc

Diễn viên: Eun-chan JungGo Gyu PilJeong Gyu SuJong-Hyuk LeeJun-hee KoKim Young OkKyung-jin LeeMi-yeon LeeTae-Joon RyuYoon Kyesang

Thể loại: tvhay

4.05/ 5 1 lượt

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Nội dung phim

The man who killed one woman's fiancé by accident. Later, the woman meets the guy who killed her fiancé, and somehow falls desperately in love with him without knowing the truth... And when they found out their forbidden love.... Their sad love story unfolds. Written by Junhee kim

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