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The Innocent

467 min

Đang phát: 8

Tập mới nhất: 876

Quốc gia: Spain

Diễn viên: Alexandra JiménezAura GarridoJose CoronadoJuana AcostaMario CasasMartina GusmánSam FeuerSanti PonsSusi Sánchez…Xavi Sáez

Thể loại: tvhay

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Nội dung phim

Mateo Vidal is jailed for negligent homicide for 4 years and when is released he makes a living with his beloved Olivia. Once their life has stabilized a phone call will change everything in the couple, the past leaves no one behind and many secrets will force them to try to prove their innocence. Written by Cinemoviez

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